Multi Fees extension for Magento

Magento Extra Fee plugin

Multi Fees extension for Magento

93 % of 100

Main features

Extra fees for product & services, shipping & payment methods
Flexible conditions to target specific customer groups
Extra fees calculation and display options: 5 input types, 6 positions
Tax classes for any product fee, extra fees display with/without taxes



Magento Compatibility

CE 1.6.x - 1.9.x EE 1.6.x - 1.14.x

Comes with

  • Lifetime access to the source code
  • No subscriptions
  • Paid support

Extensible. Customizable. Developer-friendly

Composer installation for easier extensions installation and management

No overwriting the core classes unless unachievable within a functionality

Unencrypted code for hassle-free editing if required by your clients

Extensions' code implementation following Magento's recommended best practices

All features

Create & manage extra product fees

Add an unlimited number of extra services or services combined in groups (eg. Rush delivery, Insurance, Gift wrap, Signature, Check commission, etc.).

For each fee you can:

Set a sorting order
Translate the name and description for each Store View
Upload a logo(-s)
Specify the default value
Add custom messages and dates
Create price/product quantity dependency. For example, if a customer adds 2 products to cart, 2 fees get added

Set flexible conditions for extra fees

Create extra fees for specific customer groups or Store Views.

Add extra fees based on various conditions or their combinations. With this extension you can add product fee conditions based on:

Product attribute and product type
Cart attribute (such as total quantity, subtotal, total weight, etc.)
Cart item attributes (row total in the cart, total quantity in the cart, price in the cart, etc.)

For example, you can set an additional 10% tax for all products from a certain category ('Bags' or 'Shoes', for instance) or offer rush delivery for all the orders over $1500.

Input type position & price type

Display extra fees in one of the 5 input type positions: a drop-down, a checkbox, a radio button, hidden and a notice.

On top of that, you can add:

a notice type - it displays a message with the set fee; a notice is applied at the checkout only.
hidden fees - these fees aren’t visible on the front-end and are added automatically to the order's total.

Also, you can specify a price type for any fee. It can be either a flat rate or a percent. Fees can be applied to the order's subtotal/ subtotal + tax or subtotal + tax + shipping.

Multi fees block placement

Extra fees can be displayed in one of the 6 predefined positions: above/below coupon, above/below crosssell, above/below estimate shipping. Also, you can specify a custom position of this block.

The extension makes it possible to:

Add the fees block without rewrites (to avoid possible conflicts with the custom theme/ template
Use a special code snippet (available in the backend) to insert the fees block at any custom position

The fees are added or removed by AJAX, so you can avoid page reloads.

Shipping method fees

Create and assign extra fees to each active Magento shipping method (can be optional or required).

Automatically add fees when a customer selects a specific shipping method at the checkout (for example, you can offer Rush Delivery when the specific shipping method is chosen)
Create extra fees for a specific shipping country and state
Hide shipping fees (and display only at the Order Review step)

Payment method fees

Transaction fees can be automatically added when a certain payment method is selected.

Create and assign transaction fees to any active payment method
Set payment fees as required or optional
Hide payment fees (thus they will be visible at the Order Review step only)
Use a multi-address checkou

For example, if a customer chooses PayPal, you can surcharge them 3% extra. This way, you will be able to make up for any transaction fee deducted from your account.

Set tax classes for any extra fee

Use the default tax classes (or assign separate ones) for any extra fee. Thus, additional fees will be displayed with or without taxes.

And last but not least, the extension supports all the default Magento tax settings.

Need a custom feature?

Let us know if you're missing a feature or two — we can't promise that we'll incorporate them in our future releases, but we'll be more than happy to develop them for you at an additional cost. Request now

Product changelog


May 13, 2016
Bug fix
  • Fixes a problem with empty product id in the conditions
  • Fixes a problem with wrong shipping costs in totals
  • Fixes a problem with paypalExpressCheckout
  • Fixes a problem with empty fee type after selection from a product grid
  • Fixes a problem with select-type fees in paypal ec & admin checkbox-type fees


March 16, 2016
Bug fix
  • Fixes an issue with taxes not applied to the grand total


November 5, 2015
What's new
  • Adds the compatibility with SUPEE 6788 Security Patch


General questions

How can I pay for Mageworx products?

The two most common payment methods are currently accepted―credit cards (all types) and PayPal. All the payment transactions are carried out in full compliance with the security and confidentiality requirements.

Will I get a formal invoice with all details including VAT number?

Yes, after the purchase you will receive the complete invoice with all necessary details, including our VAT number etc.

How to install our Magento 2 extensions?

We offer four independent ways of Magento 2 extension installation:

What Magento editions do Mageworx extensions support?

Mageworx extensions support Magento 2 Open Source (former Community), Commerce (former Enterprise) editions including Magento 2 Commerce Cloud platform.

Mageworx Repository: how to use it?

Our own repository has been primarily intended to facilitate and speed up the process of Mageworx extensions installation and update.

In order to work with the repository, you’ll need to have the Composer on the server first. This is the package manager of the PHP software that allows you to update & install scripts on your site.

Click here for further installation instructions >>>

Can I use one Mageworx license on multiple websites and staging/test hosts?

According to the Mageworx License Agreement, you can use one copy of Mageworx software on one Magento production installation. Thus, separate Magento installations require purchasing separate licenses.

Please mind that the extensions are not domain related, i.e., if you run each website on one Magento installation, then one license can be used. However, if you've got several websites on different Magento installations, then you would need to purchase separate licenses for each of them.

Full Mageworx License Agreement >>>

Before going live, can I test a Mageworx extension on a staging site?

Yes, you can install and set up any Mageworx extension on a test environment before making changes on your production site.

Are Mageworx extensions compatible with third-party themes?

By default, all Mageworx Magento 2 extensions are tested on three most popular themes: Luma, Ultimo, and Porto. However, some of our extensions are compatible with more 3rd party themes.

You can get in touch with our support team at [email protected] to confirm compatibility with the theme that you are currently using.

Are Mageworx extensions mobile-friendly?

In the world where 45% of purchases are completed via mobile (according to Retail Dive), we find it crucial to test and optimize all Mageworx extensions for mobile friendliness.

For how long can I get extension updates?

Extension updates are available as long as your support & updates package is active.

Purchases made before February 1, 2022, reserve the right to access our Magento extensions updates free of charge for a lifetime.

How can I get tech support?

Currently, the Mageworx Magento support team can be reached via:

How can I migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2?

Database migration, migrating custom-built functionality and design, as well as migrating advanced SEO settings―these and other options are available within our one-stop migration service.

To get a quote, you’ll need to contact our Client Relations Manager.

Request an estimate >>>

How can I get a refund?

We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee for Mageworx extensions that have been purchased via our site. Customer satisfaction and creating true value are our top priority!

Please note that this is except for those Magento 1 extensions that are intended to be upgraded to their Magento 2 versions within 30 days since the moment of M1 version purchase. In such a case, a refund will be applied solely to the Magento 2 extension version.

Please note that extensions purchased at Magento Marketplace are covered by the 25-day Marketplace Refund Policy.

Full Refund Policy >>>

Does Mageworx have a discount program?

Reward points, bulk & upgrade discounts―at Mageworx, we do our best to show appreciation to our new and existing customers. Joining the program is fast and easy. To start saving with us, you need to create an account.

Loyalty Program details >>>

How can I become an affiliate?

By helping Mageworx promote our extensions, you can earn up to 50% on every order. To join the affiliate program, you need to create an account on our website.
Go to "My Profile ― Affiliates", then complete and verify your affiliate profile.

Affiliate Program details >>>

Feel free to drop us a line on the Support page if you have questions.