Updates Roundup for May

Magento extensions update -
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More bugs were fixed. More code quality improvements were made. More useful and requested features were added to the core of our solutions.

Make sure not to procrastinate on updates to keep your software up-to-date and enjoy a full spectrum of benefits.

Without further ado, let’s explore what’s new.

Table of Contents

Extensions that Add Support for Adobe Commerce 2.4.6

Following the release of Magento 2.4.6, the Mageworx Magento dev team continued to focus on testing our extension on compatibility with the new version of the platform.

These extensions have added support for Magento 2.4.6 and PHP 8.2:

Extension Updates

Below, you will find modules that experienced bug fixes and added new functionality.

SEO Suite Ultimate

Mageworx SEO Suite

Modesty aside, SEO Suite Ultimate is the first and most popular all-in-one SEO extension for Magento 2 stores. It is a full-featured SEO solution that covers a full range of on-page SEO activities: from optimizing small page elements to building a well-thought-out site architecture.

In May, the extension improved compatibility with PHP 8.2 and fixed bugs.

Advanced Product Options

Mageworx APO

Easily overcome the default Magento 2 limitations―add a multitude of product variations in a couple of mouse clicks. The add-on is a have-it-all solution that brings product options customization to a whole new level, including the variants’ pricing, images, inventory tracking, SKU, and more.

In May, the extension experienced code refactoting, installation schema improvements, and added:

  • Support for PHP 8.2
  • New functionality (as an additional module) to analyze and clean tables of the Advanced Product Options extension from junk data

Additionally, the following bugs were fixed:

  • Swatch options js validation
  • Product price calculation in case of using absolute price, dynamic options and option dependency simultaneously

Customer Prices Suite

Customer Prices Suite

This module has been tailored to help you take full control over personalized pricing and promotions management.

Besides the possibility of entirely replacing the default value or displaying the regular price crossed for a specified group of customers/hand-picked shoppers, you can offer individual buyers (customer groups) personalized promo codes and discounts.

The Magento 2 module offers import-export functionality to ease up data transfer and bulk editing.

Last month, th extension fixed bugs.

Shop by Brand

Shop by brand

The extension introduces another search option for your customers based on preferred brands. With the module’s functionality, you can create the ‘All Brabds’ page where list all the available brands.

Additionally, you will be able to create SEO-optimized brands pages of your product attributes.

Last month, the extension experienced code refactoring.

Sitemap Suite

Sitemap Suite Extension for Magento 2

Let your customers get a convenient overview of your website structure by creating a snapshot of all your website links. And otherwise, help the search engine bots better crawl and index the store pages.

The extension fixed bugs last month.

Custom Order Number

Custom Order Number in Magento

Expand the native numbering scheme of Magento 2 through order length editing, custom prefixes, increment prefixes, and starting numbers.

With this under control, you’ll protect valuable business data from being publicly available, indicate the kind of documentation (order, invoice, shipment, or credit memo), make order number digits more customer-friendly, and so much more.

Custom Order Number experienced code refactoring in May.

Search Autocomplete

Search Autocomplete

This is another our free extension that helps improve onsite search and make it intuitive. Smart search results will be displayed in a customizable popup. Additionally, you’ll be able to add various product details in the search results, the ‘add to cart’ button, and more.

In May, Search Autocomplete experienced code refactoring.

Is your free updates & support period over?


You can benefit from 1-year updates and support package.

To purchase 1-year updates and support package, please log in to your Mageworx account. On the left pane, under My downloads, find a required extension, and then click the Buy updates & support package link in the Updates & support status column to complete the purchase.

Some of the updates are based on the little hints we get from you about what we should work on next. We appreciate your feedback and welcome suggestions at [email protected].

Stay tuned as more updates are just around the corner!


  1. Great and very helpful Blog…And so the updates are whole article packed with information.providing great utilities to the Magento Loved it…?


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