Psychology Behind Shopping by Brands, or Why Offer Shop by Brands Functionality on Your Magento 2 Store

Psychology Behind Shopping by Brands | MageWorx Magento Blog
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In today’s eCommerce world, customer loyalty is closely connected to brands. Those merchants who strive for higher conversion rates and business success, consider brand loyalty as an essential aspect to think about when building their marketing strategy.

If you are operating your online business on the Magento 2 platform, implementation of the shop by brand functionality can have a great impact on repurchase rates and increased trust in your store. By showcasing brands on your website, you can attract more customers appealing for brand credibility and recognition.

Understanding the psychology behind attraction to particular brands is vital for leveraging branding on an eCommerce site. Below, we explore some concepts of customer behavior related to brands and describe the possibilities of introducing the search by brand Magento 2 functionality on an online store.

Psychology Behind Brand Loyalty

When a person becomes loyal to a brand, they think it is related to the high quality of a product or some of the characteristics that make it stand out from the rest. However, favor to particular products has deeper reasoning that lies in the personal attachment to goods. Besides, the pricing factor doesn’t have such a big impact on which brands customers prefer. If a company managed to build a strong brand for their products and gained its reputation, customers will be coming back to buy more. Even if there are new products released with a higher price tag, a loyal client would like to try them just because he or she believes its quality or service is better.

Customer behavior is a significant part of the research field performed by consumer psychologists. By turning to the studies of consumer psychology, we can better understand how people’s feelings, beliefs, and emotions influence their purchasing decisions. When trying to search for the reasons behind giving preference to specific brands, we can concentrate on three aspects of psychology and use them in marketing activities. These concepts are based on human’s emotions, personal identity, and social identity.

According to consumer psychologists, emotions have a greater impact on decisions about buying a product than evaluation of its pros and cons or comparison with other similar goods. Emotional decision-making lies at the heart of brand loyalty and defines one’s purchasing action, no matter a product’s qualities or price. Reaching to customer feelings is found in brand activism that aims at social causes which target customer segments that support them. According to the CEB (Corporate Executive Board) research, 64% of customers who associate themselves with some brand consider shared values as the main reason for their loyalty. A good example of the brand social engagement is Timberland’s GREEN Standard, which they use to state their responsibility for environmental issues.

As for personal identities affected by brands, this concept is concentrated around one’s self-determination in connection with the company’s values. Finding a way to aspire to customer’s identity via experiences and expectations is a way to a long-term relationship with the clients.

For example, Nike promotes its products as chosen widely by world-class athletes, which gives consumers the feeling of belonging to the professional sportsmen community. Targeting people’s beliefs, political views, values, and personal traits in a proper way leads to increased customer loyalty and positive associations with a brand.

Another aspect of a human’s identity is related to identifying oneself as a part of the social environment. Social identity also has a significant impact on brand choices that get influenced by someone’s friends, neighbors, corporate networks, and other social groups. The study published in the Journal of Economic Geography showed that the primary factor for people to install a renewable energy system in their houses was the solar panel installation on other roofs in the neighborhood.

Taking into account people’s attitude towards brands based on their feelings and values is a way to success when thinking over one’s promotional activities. Experienced marketing professionals leverage consumer’s sense of belonging to particular brands and base their strategies on psychological triggers.

How to Implement Shop by Brand Functionality on a Magento 2 Store

If you are selling products of various brands on your eCommerce store, the introduction of Magento 2 shop by brand and models functionality can greatly help you achieve your sales goals. Quality of the goods you sell always remains an issue of concern, but if you want to stand out from the competition, adding Magento 2 brand pages to your website is a wise tactic. Besides, by reaching out to customers’ ideas of status and prestige in relation to the brands presented on your store, you can gain more credibility to your company as well.

Since lots of online shoppers will come to your web store to buy products from the brands they like, having a separate Magento 2 page with brands and providing an option to filter your catalog by the manufacturer is a vital add-on. Convenient brand search on a Magento 2 site encourages visitors to stay longer on an online shop and increases customer satisfaction.

With the Mageworx Shop by Brand extension for Magento 2, you can offer your website visitors user-friendly navigation through your products catalog and help them quickly find their favorite brands. The Magento 2 brand module allows eCommerce store owners to enrich their stores with eye-catching and informative brand pages, as well as add a dedicated page listing all available brands. All pages generated by the Magento 2 brands menu extension are optimized for SEO and look great on any device.

? Psychology Behind Shopping by Brands | MageWorx Magento Blog

From the admin perspective, the extension offers flexible settings and intuitive management of brand pages. Store admins can decide which product attribute to use when creating a brand page, e.g., manufacturer, color, format, etc., and use different attributes for each store view. Automatically generated brand pages are highly customizable and also optimized for search engines. The Magento 2 brands list module offers two different display modes (grid or list), various options for page layout, the possibility to add layered navigation, as well as SEO functions. To make your Magento 2 manufacturer page even more attractive, you can also add brand logos and descriptions and create custom content. 

Thus, you can set separate alphabetical shop by brand Magento 2 page for each manufacturer and list all items from a single producer on a brand-specific page. Besides, the Magento 2 browse by manufacturer extension can showcase brands of the goods they sell on the product, category, and search results pages. The Magento 2 manufacturer logo module lets you decide which brands should be highlighted, whether to show a brand logo and title, as well as set the size of brand logos.

? Psychology Behind Shopping by Brands | MageWorx Magento Blog

Moreover, you can enhance your store pages with a special block displaying featured brands. The Magento 2 brands logo slider can be added to any page of your website, which significantly improves user experience on your storefront and adds an interactive element to the shopping process. This way, you get more opportunities to promote your partners or particular manufacturers and catch customers’ attention right after they land on your webstore page. 


If you want to set up a highly targeted marketing strategy for your eCommerce business, studying customer behavior would be very useful. By understanding consumer behavior, you will know better what to offer to your clients and how to turn them into lifetime buyers. Special attention should be given to the motivation behind loyalty to brands, which can provide valuable insights into the psychological patterns of customer actions.

As for the Magento 2 Shop by Brand extension by Mageworx, it is an excellent solution for adding search by brand functionality on an online shop and leverage all the benefits of shopping by brands. The module’s features drastically improve customer experience on a storefront by offering seamless navigation and filtering of products by the manufacturer. After installing the Mageworx extension, you will be able to convert more customers and increase their loyalty to your company without spending much time and effort. Moreover, you will get a boost on SERP due to SEO-friendly brand pages generated by the module.

Anna is a content creator mostly involved in the exploration of Magento 2 functionality and extensions. Passionate about the constant development of her writing and content marketing skills and always ready for new opportunities and changes in her professional and social life.


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