25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store

Popup Ideas for Your Shopify
Reading Time: 6 minutes

What are the main goals of any merchant? Of course, it’s to attract the attention of customers, to appeal to shopping in your eCommerce store, to increase conversion rate and average order value. Nothing can cope with all these better than popups. They can prevent site abandonment, as well as boost online sales and create long-lasting relationships with your buyers.

According to SaleCycle, the global average rate of cart abandonment is 75.6%. In order to avoid it, you should make the right and thoughtful usage of popups; show them at a proper place and time.

In today’s article, we’ll give you several creative popup ideas to be inspired and implement them in your Shopify store.

Table of Contents

Popup Types

Welcome Popups

As eCommerce is developing at a rapid pace, it’s natural that customers have a wide range of online stores to choose from. So, retailers need to make everything possible to grab the attention of buyers. Welcome popup is a good tool for it.

These popups are seen by shoppers as soon as they enter the web page of your Shopify store, with no or insignificant time delays. Here you can give certain information for buyers, a special offer for newcomers, ask them to sign up for further privileges, and many others.

Upsell and Cross-Sell Popups

Upsell or cross-sell popups can appear when a customer shows interest in a specific product. It’s possible to entice buyers to spend more by displaying a targeted offer. Thanks to these popups you can increase the average order value in your Shopify store and get some extra revenue.

According to Forrester research, product recommendations are responsible for an average of 10-30% of eCommerce site revenues. So, it would be an inexcusable omission not to use upsell and cross-sell popups. 

Opt-In/Email Popups

This kind of popups can be shown at any moment during online shopping. Email popups can be behavior-driven or time-driven. They are displayed when a customer fulfills a certain action or has spent a definite time online. It is one of the most effective ways to convert online visitors into email subscribers and customers as a result. 

Exit Intent Popups

When buyers are almost ready to leave a store, exit-intent popups provide online shoppers with offers that are difficult to resist. The main aim of such popups is to explain the reason why customers shouldn’t leave the site.

Exit-intent popups can be more effective if you use personalization according to your customers’ browsing history, call your visitor by name, offer a content upgrade, a discount or free shipping, or something else like that.

25 Examples of Effective Popups


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Hardly any customer will pass by this welcome popup. Undoubtedly, it grabs everyone’s attention in spite of the fact the retailer uses simple white letters on the blue background. This popup is aimed to convert new visitors into buyers with the help of a catchy question ‘First Timers?’, offering a 20% discount and free shipping on the first order. The only thing a first-time visitor should do is to enter an email address to get the order. And this is exactly what the merchant needs. 


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

This nice popup is used by Zooshoo to make customers buy more, providing them with recommended products. The main advantage of these cross-sell/up-sell popups is that they are personalized, so a shopper will be grateful for such an attitude and likely buy something else. Thus, the merchant takes a chance to increase the average order value. It’s a nice bonus, isn’t it?


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

The merchant gives customers a win-win order. Shoppers subscribe to the store’s emails and get $10. And the retailer increases the number of prospective buyers. So, everyone is happy! A funny ‘by clicking that button, you’ll confirm you’re a genius’ note will probably make its effect. The red background also plays a certain part.

Shopify Upsell & Cross‑sell App by Mageworx   

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

This app popup idea can help increase customer satisfaction and push up each order value displaying related products, which are relevant to buyers needs. Providing customers with goods based on their previous choice, give them a sense of uniqueness and care.

Thanks to this app you’ll be able to create a customizable popup with cross-selling and up-selling product recommendations, that will appear upon specific customer actions ― clicking either the ‘Add to cart’ or ‘Checkout’ button.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

The main peculiarity and priority of this popup is not too much text. That means shoppers don’t have to spend much time reading and understanding the conditions. Everything is simple and clear for any customer. So, it won’t be a problem for buyers to sign up for newsletters.

Charms to Treasure

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

As well as the previous example, this popup contains few words with maximum necessary information. Scarcely any buyer doesn’t want to get a discount. So, it’s very much likely to get some more subscribers. It’s a good example when simple means effective.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

SwissWatchExpo offers an elegant and gorgeous popup, as well as the products it sells. Being displayed in black and white colors, the popup is aimed to build a long-lasting relationship with customers and to increase the conversion rate with the help of exclusive offers. In my opinion, it could be one of the best email popups in your Shopify store.

Packed Party

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

This bright and eye-catching opt-in popup can attract customers’ attention when they are about to leave the site. “Hey, you!’ phrase can stun shoppers and make them sign up for further shopping.   


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Paying a ‘hey good lookin’!’ complement, the retailer worms his way into customers’ confidence. So, there won’t be a problem for buyers to sign up in response to the kind attitude. As a result, shoppers get a 10% discount, a good mood and a reason to stay. The merchant increases revenue with the help of new grateful customers.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Madewell uses a psychological approach not offering discounts for sign up but promising good things to come to those who subscribe to their emails. Simple in implementation, but with kind intentions, this popup will cope with its role.

Ugg Official

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

According to the average market statistics, 35% of customers can be saved by exit-intent popups. One of the best ways is to remind shoppers that they have something left in their cart. Ugg online store does it quite skilfully. Using an unobtrusive ‘oops’, the retailer urges customers to continue shopping and proceed to checkout. Such a cart popup can be easily used in your Shopify store.

Lord and Taylor

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

This is one more beautiful and creative idea of preventing cart abandonment using a popup. It’s bright, interesting and unusual at the same time. It makes customers think of something they could forget. And undoubtedly, it impulses them to the action.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Time-limited offers are extremely good in giving customers a sense of urgency and need to act as soon as possible. And free shipping is an extra impetus for buyers to add goods to their shopping carts. According to a Forrester study, 44% of online shoppers who abandon their carts, do so because of shipping.

Marc Jacobs

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

The offer to ‘win a $500 gift card’ could hardly leave anyone indifferent. Use such a hint in your Shopify popup window and you’ll see a growth of visitors that convert into your customers. Marc Jacobs displays the offer with white letters on a black background that makes it engraved on everyone’s memory.

Emily McDowell Studio

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

This ‘Annoying Popup Bear’ is extremely cute. He makes customers smile and sign up even not just because of an offered 20% discount, but for the reason that this bear is unbelievably friendly and attaching to itself. Such a funny idea could be a godsend for your Shopify email popup.

Mapamundi Kids

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

The friendly colorful popup of Mapamundi Kids contains two incentives and won’t let any buyer pass by.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Have you ever been offered a bear hug? Gingiber has done it. And it’s a zero-risk enterprise. Customers will undoubtedly fall in love with this bear and do everything it asks for. Moreover, this popup is rather beautiful and catchy. Using your Shopify newsletter popup in such a way will convert most of your visitors into buyers and subscribers.

Tarte Cosmetics

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

An exit-intent popup can be efficient when its’ offer is time-limited. This one suggested by Tarte gives a customer a chance to think everything over but just for 72 hours. A fear to miss the possibility to buy beloved products, a free sample and free shipping as a bonus will definitely play their role.

Too Faced

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

‘Don’t play hard to get, claim it now before it goes home with someone else!’ is certainly the phrase that will catch customers’ attention and let them make a decision quicker.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Glossier offers its shoppers a $10 store credit in case their friends follow the link that buyers share with. It’s a great deal! Customers are stimulated to share their shopping experience with friends and the retailer gets a chance to increase the number of prospective buyers.

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Your Logo also creates a sense of urgency for customers and fear to miss the opportunity to buy goods with a discount as the offer is limited. 


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

A beautiful design of this popup, a 40% discount, and a mystery behind the image will certainly help the retailer to attract more customers and urge them on shopping. Free worldwide shipping is an extra impetus for them.

Erine Louise

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

‘Need. Want. Love.’ are three simple but extremely important words that can touch everyone’s heart. And again, laconic text attracts more attention and interest. This popup is exceptionally elegant and can’t annoy buyers thanks to these three wonderful words.


25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

Forzieri gives its visitors a chance to win ‘your dream bag’ in exchange for a sign-up. In such a way the retailer creates an extra incentive for buyers to take action and get subscribes. The aim is achieved! Keep this idea in your mind for your Shopify popup signup form.

Cover Me Ponchos

25 Creative Popup Ideas for Your Shopify Store | MageWorx Shopify Blog

One more exit-intent popup is used by Cover Me Ponchos. It also gives customers a chance to win. It’s a victorious option for every online store.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, we hope all these creative popup ideas will be helpful for your Shopify store and encourage you to provide your customers with new unique offers that are impossible to resist.


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